Monday, August 9, 2010

Ministry and Fried Chicken

Recently the members of the worship ministry at Oakwood Christian Church in Enid, OK got together to discuss what we personally want to see implemented in the ministry. As the worship minister to open myself up to anyone to say whatever they want about the ministry (i.e. my occupation) is a very vulnerable position. Right now it's a little different because the ministry isn't everything that I have envisioned. (If that seems conceited or even a little like hubris to say that a ministry isn't what I have envisioned vs. saying what God wants, I would respectfully disagree.) God has placed each one of us in the positions we are in for a reason. I have a vision for the worship ministry at Oakwood, and I know that there are others serving here have their own ideas of what a worship ministry should look like. The point is we're not where we want to be yet, and we have to work hard to get there.
Speaking of working hard, isn't there something comforting about fried chicken? Maybe it's just me, but there's something familiar, reminiscent of a more laid back lifestyle in fried chicken. Picture a table full of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, mac n cheese, and an ice cold, fresh-squeezed lemonade. Doesn't that make you want to just kick back and enjoy life? The trouble is we can't enjoy that all the time or we will inevitably die early. Not to mention if we simply ate fried chicken all our lives we would miss out on so much more. Never enjoying a hamburger, grilled salmon, stuffed peppers, or the coup de grace filet mignon. The fact is if we want to experience more we're going to have to learn/go/do something new.

If we play the same music the same way all the time, as good as it is, we will miss out on the "filet mignon" of music. We won't be the best that we could be on our instruments, even though we may be excellent in what we do now. I would really like to experience some new "flavors" with the team as well as enjoy some of the comforting "flavors".

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